Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Australian Cyberattacks Prove That Threat Resistance Training is Always a Good Investment


Sophisticated cyberattack risks are growing throughout the world, and the attacker isn’t always just a group of opportunistic cybercriminals. A recent explosion of cyberattacks against targets in Australia has been reported to be linked to potentially malicious state-sponsored actors, creating a new level of worry for cybersecurity architects.  
Ransomware has become an even greater menace for Australian companies. Government officials have warned that ransomware that is delivered through spear phishing attacks is suspected to be part of the overall larger attack picture in this wave of attacks. Therefore, it’s clear that frequent, high-quality phishing defense and resistance training is essential to protect a company from ransomware attacks. 
Ransomware is devastating to any business, as was recently demonstrated by two incidents at Australian drinks conglomerate Lion. Systems at the beverage company have been infected twice in the last month alone, freezing essential production and operations technology just as it began to ramp up its post-pandemic production.   
Get tips to help secure a remote workforce fast and insight into the unexpected risks that remote operations bring in our Remote Working Cybersecurity resource package. 
A dynamic solution like  BullPhish ID is the right choice for state-of-the-art phishing resistance training. BullPhish ID’s constantly updated educational tools allow staffers to learn through video and be tested on that knowledge with online quizzes – with pre-made phishing kits including the latest threats available in 8 languages for quick deployment. These features also make it an ideal vehicle for remote training because training shouldn’t stop just because staffers aren’t in the office.  
Updating a company’s cybersecurity stack to boost ransomware defense should always include upgrading phishing resistance training. Dark Web monitoring is a great place to start when constructing a strong cybersecurity defense, but every building block in that defense is important – and improved phishing resistance with BullPhish ID is an easy and affordable block to add.

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