Friday, August 30, 2019

Ransomware Gets a New Lease on Life

Ransomware attacks have made a precipitous return to public life, making them one of the most potent threats in today’s digital landscape. 

Once targeting individual computer systems, ransomware fell out of favor with cybercriminals as it failed to net significant returns. That changed when cybercriminals began targeting local governments and small and medium-sized businesses where they can earn thousands of dollars from the relatively inexpensive attack method. 

Many attribute this shift in approach to the WannaCry ransomware virus, which captured national headlines and set a new direction for future cybercriminals.

As municipalities and organizations grapple with the best response plan, it’s clear that bad actors will continue to wreak havoc with new iterations of ransomware. A strong defense is the most affordable and advantageous approach to these attacks and getting expert eyes (like ours!) on your cybersecurity landscape can ensure that your vulnerabilities are accounted for. 

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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

What do you post?

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Monday, August 26, 2019

800,000 Computers Still Vulnerable to BlueKeep

Despite the well-publicized threat that the BlueKeep vulnerability poses to individuals and enterprises, more than 800,000 systems are still not protected from the threat. 

BlueKeep is a backdoor that allows hackers to access networks where they can directly deliver malware. The flaw can cause significant damage, and neutralizing the threat is surprising easy. A simple software update, which Microsoft issued in May, nullifies the vulnerability, but according to data compiled by a New Internet scan, less than 20% of eligible systems were updated in the past month. 

With cyber threats coming from all directions, fixing security vulnerabilities through software updates is an easy way to prevent obvious threats from wreaking havoc on your company's IT infrastructure. Partnering with security specialists can help organizations identify vulnerabilities, fortifying their defenses before a data breach occurs.

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Thursday, August 22, 2019

Australian Consumers Demand Data Security

According to a recent survey of Australian consumers, confidence in a company’s data security impacts their spending with that platform. The survey, which comprised of 2,000 consumers, found that 74% of Australians are less inclined to spend money with companies that cannot or will not secure their customers’ personal information. With increasing instances of financial fraud and data theft, who could blame them? 

Local mayors are tired of paying the price for these attacks, and they codified this sentiment in a nonbinding, unanimous resolution at this year’s meeting of the U.S. Conference of Mayors where they vowed not to pay any more ransom demands. 

To date, 34% of Australians experienced data loss from a company’s security breach or hack, and those numbers increase for younger generations that are more likely to participate in today’s expansive digital ecosystem.

Unfortunately, the retail sector and small businesses polled as the least trusted vendors, meaning that companies hoping to win customers need to make data security an integral part of their business strategy. Increasing the impetus to get this right from day one, 43% of consumers indicated that they would never return to a brand that compromised their data security. 

Therefore, it’s clear that the need to identify vulnerabilities and to account for data security is more than just an altruistic endeavor. It’s mission critical for flourishing businesses in today’s increasingly digital economy. Don’t let this issue go overlooked
With companies like ID Agent equipped to fortify your cybersecurity defenses, now is the perfect time to prepare your company for today’s evolving threat landscape

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Monday, August 19, 2019

Friday, August 16, 2019

What is a rootkit?

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New Malware Strain Targets Windows Users

A new malware strain, SystemBC, targets Windows computers with a multifaceted attack that can wreak havoc on their users. 

In addition to infecting computers with the primary strain of malware, SystemBC contains an on-demand proxy component that allows other malware stains to integrate with infected computers. Bad actors can use this arrangement to install trojans, ransomware, and other malware on users’ computers. 

This iterative approach to malware illustrates the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape that threatens every organization. With the cost of a data breach growing each year, companies have every incentive to protect their IT infrastructure. Although the challenges are immense, partnering with qualified professionals (Like us!) can ensure that your organization is always ready to combat the latest threats.

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Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Capital One Data Breach Impacts US and Canadian Customers

Capital One Data Breach Impacts US and Canadian Customers 

An expansive data breach at the credit card juggernaut, Capital One Financial, has compromised the personal information for more than 100 million US and Canadian customers. 

The breach exposed the personal data for more than six-million Canadians, making it one of the most significant data breaches in the country’s history. Capital One, which provides Mastercard credit cards for retailers like Costco Wholesale and Hudson Bay Company, noted that the data is primarily restricted to consumers and small businesses who applied for a credit card between 2005 and 2019. 

The data includes names, addresses, postal codes, phone numbers, dates of birth, and incomes. For US customers, the stolen data also includes 80,000 linked bank account numbers and 140,000 social security numbers.

The incident is just the latest wide-spread data breach impacting small businesses and consumers, making their preemptive data protection a must-have element of personal or organization data security. For example, ID Agent’s Dark Web monitoring services can identify if an organization’s data is made available on the Dark Web, providing them with an opportunity to enhance their security posture before an attack takes place. 

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Monday, August 5, 2019

Friday, August 2, 2019

Are you feeling the heat?

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Thursday, August 1, 2019

A Divide in Ransomware Response Ethics

Local governments and municipalities are frequently targeted with ransomware attacks by cyber criminals who view government agencies as soft targets with potentially significant rewards. While leaders are unified in their abhorrence of this behavior, disparities exist when aligning on response plans. 

Some governments choose to pay the ransom, seeing it as the least expensive option available. Of course, this behavior makes other governments more vulnerable to a similar attack because it indicates that authorities are willing to pay criminals to restore access to their systems. 

In contrast, some local governments refuse to pay, a principled stance that can be more expensive in the long run. For instance, Baltimore authorities refused to pay a $75,000 ransom to regain access to its network, but full system restoration is estimated to cost $10 million, and other ancillary disruptions may cost $8 million more. 

The message is clear and simple: all organizations need to do everything they can to prevent a ransomware attack in the first place. Contingency plans like backups and cyber insurance are critical for responding to an attack, but employee awareness training and threat analysis services offered by cybersecurity experts can prevent ransomware attacks before placing your company in the precarious position of deciding on ransom payments.

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