Wednesday, July 29, 2020

BBB Newsletter: Avoid Trouble, Update Your Passwords!

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Multifactor Authentication is a Security Must-Have in 2020

Today’s risk landscape is more complicated than ever. There’s a new danger to your systems and data lurking around every corner, and a new solution that you need to buy to mitigate it. Third-party data breaches are a constant worry not to mention the risk that comes from staff password recycling, or unintentional insider threats like falling for a phishing attack. So how can you provide an extra layer of security against most risks without spending a fortune? 
Multifactor authentication (MFA). Adding MFA on every user account us a fast, easy way to secure your company’s entry points. Even if cybercriminals are able to obtain a credential that would allow them access to your systems and data from an outside source, that credential isn’t going to do them any good without an authentication token like a code that’s sent to the real account holder’s cellphone. 
It’s wise to put a complete suite of digital risk protection solutions in place but you may need to economize. That makes cost-effective, multifunctional tools like Passly the ideal choice. By combining MFA with single sign-on, remote management, and seamless integration with over 100 common business applications, Passly gives a high return on investment and a high level of protection – because no one can afford a data breach in this economy.   

Bit by bit helps client networks run smooth and secure.. visit our website at 877.860.5863

Does Remote Work Really Increase Cyberattack Risks?

It’s long been debated whether remote work demonstrably increases the risk of a cyberattack. As we move through the pandemic, we’re all taking part in an unexpected experiment in remote working – and we’re just starting to see if the increased risk that’s often associated with remote work is fact or fiction

The third Global Threat Report is out, and it’s got some important data to consider when debating the risk of remote work or securing a remote workforce. According to researchers, 91% of executives surveyed believe that remote work has placed their companies at higher risk for a cyberattack, with a high incidence of phishing attempts named as the biggest factor that drove that opinion.  
The study, conducted in March and April of 2020, found that 85% of the surveyed executives (chief information officers, chief technology officers, and chief information security officers) felt that breach risks were too high because their workforce had not been properly equipped, trained, or secured to work from home, with 28% citing severe known gaps in security.
As the pandemic continues to affect the way that business is done, companies need to take adequate measures to secure their remote workforce long term. Our resource package “Remote Working Cybersecurity” can help with a checklist and more! DOWNLOAD IT>> 
Over 29% of the surveyed executives cited a lack of multifactor authentication as the biggest threat facing their organization, rising to 50% for companies in the financial services sector, and 46% for companies with 251-500 employees. COVID-19 related malware was reported by 43% of respondents as the biggest perceived threat organizations with 50-250 employees. 
Don’t wait to deploy essentials like multifactor authentication (MFA). By adding a solution like Passly to your security stack, you provide one affordable tool that packs a huge security punch by combining MFA, single sign on, remote management, seamless integration with over 100 applications, and easy deployment in days, not weeks.   
Companies should be proactive to avoid future headaches. By adding MFA and the remote workforce support power of our digital risk protection platform now, businesses can be ready for tumultuous times and avoid hazards like scrambling for added security or a costly data breach as we continue to grapple with the global pandemic. 

Bit by bit helps client networks run smooth and secure.. visit our website at 877.860.5863

Friday, July 17, 2020

Third Party Data Breaches Endanger Every Company

Just because your company hasn’t had a data breach, that doesn’t mean that your staffers’ credentials are safe. Third-party data breaches are an increasing problem for every company. These days everyone uses internet-enabled services for everything from shopping to airline tickets. But that convenience comes at a price for workers: the risk of a personally identifiable data breach – and those breaches endanger their employers as well. 

Recently, 45 million records of travelers to Thailand and Malaysia appeared on the Dark Web. The stolen information included extensive personal data on travelers from many countries including their Passenger ID number, full name, mobile numbers, passport details, home address, gender, and flight details. And as we reported recently, users of top gambling app Clubillion were recently impacted by a data breach as well, leading to millions of users having personally identifiable data leaked.  
These breaches provide the fuel that powers spear phishing attempts, blackmail, password compromise, and other cyberattacks. While companies can’t stop third-party breaches from accidental exposure of their workers’ personal information, they can mitigate the potential damage and add protections that can stop bad actors from using it against them.  
Ensure that you’re protecting your data and systems from common sources of credential compromise and data loss by implementing a solid cybersecurity plan bulwarked by a digital risk protection platform featuring a Dark Web monitoring solution like Dark Web ID to watch for compromised credentials and alert companies to trouble. By making sure that you’re prepared for trouble from unexpected sources, you make your entire cybersecurity posture stronger to increase data loss prevention fast. 

Bit by bit helps client networks run smooth and secure.. visit our website at 877.860.5863

Go Inside the Ink to Get the Inside Scoop on Cybersecurity News

Every weekday, our blog features timely cybersecurity news, problem-solving advice, and expert analysis of today’s threats, plus insight that helps you plan for tomorrow. Don’t miss it!

Catch up on what you need to know now: 

Bit by bit helps client networks run smooth and secure.. visit our website at 877.860.5863

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Are you struggling to keep up with employe self checks for COVID?

There are some easy ways that you can make and create the forms you need with tools you probably already have.. 

If you are interested, please reach out and I can help create or share how you can easily manage this for your company. 

Also, If you need something more Bit by bit has also development a module for our testing software that accommodates automation of the testing data collection. 

Bit by bit helps client networks run smooth and secure.. visit our website at 877.860.5863

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Three New Microsoft Workshops from Bit by Bit

Join Us for a Triple Threat

Three New Microsoft Workshops


Take a Refresher

& Recap


July 21, 2020

12 -12:45 p.m. EST


Tour Settings & 

New Features


July 28, 2020

12 -12:45 p.m. EST


Meet the App that Organizes Teamwork 


August 4, 2020

12 -12:45 p.m. EST

Did you miss our MS Teams workshops? Or, need a refresher? Looking to dive deeper into Teams and explore Planner?

Well, you've got even more chances to join us for three new workshops. 

In a nutshell, here's what you'll learn:


    Take a 


    & Recap

    • The Canvas & Tabs
    • Teams & Channels 
    • The Files Tab/Sharing 
    • Phone Calls & Meetings


    Tour Settings 


    New Features

    • Explore All Settings
    • Teams & Channels 200
    • App Integrations
    • New Features


    Meet the App that Organizes Teamwork

    • Learn the Features 
    • View Tasks & Set Them
    • Use Forms to Integrate into Your Workflow

    Pick one or pick all.

    However you want to go, you'll continue to get up to speed on Teams, whether working from home or in the office.

    About Our Presenter

    Sean Juryta

    Product Advisor 
    Paramus Microsoft Store

    As a Product Advisor, Sean helps  customers see what is possible with technology while  empowering them to achieve more. He serves as a highly knowledgeable resource for all things Microsoft and is an expert in utilizing its platforms in this new normal of the virtual experience.

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    Bit by bit helps client networks run smooth and secure.. visit our website at 877.860.5863