Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Italian Precision Engineering Companies Hit with Spear Phishing Campaign

Italian precision engineering companies are the latest victims of spear phishing attacks that trick employees into compromising personally identifiable information, login credentials, or other sensitive data. 

The attacks are arriving in employees’ inboxes disguised as authentic-looking inquiries from potential customers. The emails appear with a seemingly innocuous Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that actually contains a fileless trojan capable of capturing users’ credentials. 

The Excel spreadsheet is filled with lists of spare parts, real catalog codes, and other ordering information, making the attacks especially difficult to identify. In addition, the emails are being sent under the guise of international textile producers, a viable client for precision engineering companies.

Currently, only a fraction of antivirus software detects credential stealing malware, which underscores the importance of cybersecurity best practices for protecting company data. Holistic employee awareness trainingequips employees to spot phishing scams and trains them to follow cybersecurity best practices with a simple, streamlined solution.

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