Friday, May 17, 2019

A new study reveals data exposure from hotel reservations

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A new study reveals data exposure from hotel reservations

Symantec’s recent report on the security vulnerabilities of hotel websites found that the majority of them are leaking customer data.

The study was exhaustive, including 1,500 hotels in 54 countries and covering the gauntlet of lost-cost and high-end hotels. However, no single panacea was presented as a solution for the issue. Instead, different companies faced unique vulnerabilities to their systems and processes.

For instance, most hotels send guests a link to manage their reservation, but some hotels fail to encrypt this data, making it easily accessible to hackers and others accessing this information. At the same time, hotels collaborating with discount sites and advertisers are making guest data available to these third-party partners, elongating the exposure.

Moreover, the company found that hotels are uniquely susceptible to brute force attacks, a unique vulnerability that could allow bad actors to target specific individuals including CEOs, celebrities, or conference attendees.

Coming on the heels of the Marriott breach that revealed the information of 500 million guests, this report is a reminder to the industry that they need to be particularly aware of their security vulnerabilities and to take steps to protect customer information. Software solutions like BullPhish ID can mitigate many of these issues at the root source by helping you gain a thorough understanding of your company’s unique cybersecurity needs.

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