Monday, January 14, 2019

How Work-From-Home Can Open Your Business Up to Breach

How Work-From-Home Can Open Your Business Up to Breach
As the historical debate surrounding work-from-home (WFH) policies continues to reach news headlines, an additional consideration has surfaced: IT security. Home networks in WFH environments can expose your company to security risks, as devices are connected to the internet and can serve as an entry point for hacks.
With the advent of remote working arrangements and rising adoption of smart devices, employees are accessing enterprise software such as cloud-based apps, video conferencing software, and file sharing regularly, resulting in vulnerabilities that black hats can tap into with little to no difficulty.
Of course, this doesn’t necessarily mean you should discontinue your WFH policy. Instead, consider how you can arm your employees with best practices for securing their devices and networks to avoid breach possibilities. 

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