Monday, March 16, 2020

Coronavirus Survival Guide for Small Businesses

Great Blog article by a business partner, Bryan Acosta at Avent Trinity Marketing

Avent Trinity Blog

As the pandemic hits the United States a lot of businesses are being affected negatively. So, how does one save their business from tanking in this crisis? Luckily we have developed some strategies that will help small business owners using technology to manage and market their business using the internet.
1. Web Meetings: How are companies supposed to do business? Virtually is the best way to operate the business. Team meetings from home via Zoom, Google Hangouts, Skype, etc. Find the best platform for you and your team. Does this mean that networking is out of the picture? Absolutely not! Set up online networking meetings to keep the relationships going. 
2. Social Networking: We must continue to network on the internet. Go onto Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. and start referring businesses for services and products. The economy is taking a huge hit. That means we must work harder to support one another and refer to business virtually. 
Social Media Marketing
3. Streaming: We aren’t going to be able to present in person. Unfortunately, everyone is seeing a drop in attendance at networking groups and people just aren’t showing up in person at storefronts. Start setting up webinars to give presentations, watch parties on Facebook, go Live on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. There are many ways to continue presenting services and products. 
4. Go Virtual: If you haven’t already, now would be the perfect time to make sure your business can conduct business virtually. We are not saying all of it but, you must have a website with customer support tools on it such as chat boxes and ticket software, you are on social media, and that your business can be found through search engines. Many businesses are being forced to work from home. Do you know what that means? More people to market and service through online means. 
5. CONTINUE DOING BUSINESS: People are scared to be judged because they are still operating a business. If you are a small business and are still open I applaud you. You are helping the economy by not allowing it to completely crash. It is more important now than ever to support your local small businesses. Continue eating at restaurants, going to get massages, etc. Do not allow this to force a drastic number of unemployment and force businesses to close down. 
In conclusion, everyone needs to start adapting and taking the right actions to help our economy stabilize in this time of need

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1 comment:

  1. Well, said! We're still open and conducting business. #adapt - Jeff N.; the Bubble


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