Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Cyber Risk Literacy is Critical for a Strong Defense

Cyber Risk Literacy is Critical for a Strong Defense 

Business cyberattack threats have never been higher. Massive increases in phishing (more than 600%), ransomware (more than 150%) and other cybercrime might keep you up at night, but are your staffers aware of exactly how important cybersecurity really is to your business? Your employees might not be on the same page as you are about cybersecurity risks – and that’s a problem that could end up costing you a fortune. 

For most people outside of directly technology-related positions, a cyberattack is a vague, hard to understand threat. It just doesn’t seem possible that one misclick on an email could cost a company millions. That’s why making risk literacy a top priority for every employee is crucial to maintaining a strong defense against cybercrime.

One effective way to increase your employees’ risk literacy is with regular, engaging security awareness training that includes phishing threats since phishing is by far the most common delivery system for cyberattacks. Over 90% of incidents that end in a data breach start with a phishing email and no company can afford that right now.

Insider threats include phishing. Explore cybercriminal tricks to stop phishing with our new book represented by a light blue comic panel of a phishing hook and old-fashionesd comic book style in light blue on dark blue

Uncover Cybercriminal Secrets to See How They Trick You Into Falling for Phishing Attacks & How to Fight Back!

Read Phish Files Now>>

BullPhish ID is the ideal choice to increase your staff’s risk literacy with memorable, easy-to-understand security awareness and phishing resistance training in 8 languages. Using engaging video lessons, risk information is served to your employees in bite-sized pieces for easy comprehension no matter how tech-savvy they may be. 

Online testing measures their retention of the lessons, giving you the information that you need to see who has a handle on security awareness and who needs more help. More than 80 training campaigns are available for you to use right now, and 4 more are added every month, including content about the latest threats like COVID-19 scams.

Training your staff to be aware of potential threats pays handsome dividends for your business – companies that engage in regular security awareness training have up to 70% fewer damaging cybersecurity incidents. By establishing a strong culture of cybersecurity awareness and giving everyone the help that they need to be part of the team, your company gets a huge overall cybersecurity boost that can make the difference between success and failure for cyberattacks now and in the future.

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