Thursday, April 11, 2019

Why data never expires on the Dark Web

Why data never expires on the Dark Web
In the ongoing slew of mega data breaches, it’s likely that our personal information has been breached and is being auctioned off on the Dark Web. Hackers are not only scooping up more personally identifiable information (PII) than ever before, but also additional information that can be leveraged to conduct damaging fraud. At the same time, we are falling prey to the phenomenon of “data breach fatigue.” Indoctrinated with daily news of compromises, we’re beginning to ignore the possibility of future cyber-attacks.
Simply changing a few passwords is not enough. When a hacker gets his hands on persistent records such as a customer name, SSN, or permanent address, it almost never expires. The only way to survive in this new reality is by protecting employees and customers from identity theft. How can this be accomplished? Investing in identity theft solutions that can detect compromises proactively by monitoring for an organization’s employee and customer data on the Dark Web.

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