Monday, May 2, 2022

5 Benefits of Using IT Lifecycle Management Services

5 Benefits of Using IT Lifecycle Management Services

by Robert Blake


Technology plays a key role in any workplace, but it can eventually get outdated and work less efficiently. Investing in new tech for your business is a wise choice that offers a wide range of benefits. However, finding the best equipment for your business is often a time-consuming and difficult task. Using IT lifecycle management from a managed service provider is a great way to remain proactive while helping you avoid many long-term issues.


Here are a few of the benefits of using IT asset lifecycle management for your organization.


1) Enhance IT Security


Cyber threats are a major issue facing all types of businesses. Older hardware and software are highly vulnerable to these threats, especially if they are no longer receiving updates from their manufacturer. Upgrading your IT infrastructure at least every three to five years is recommended to limit the chance of your company becoming the next victim of these cyber attacks.


2) Boost Employee Productivity


Another reason to consider IT asset lifecycle management is that it helps to improve productivity for your employees. Older computers run less efficiently, and they are more prone to crashes. Constantly waiting on a computer to load an application is always frustrating, and it limits the productivity of your employees. Staying proactive by investing in new hardware every few years is a great way to avoid this problem.


3) Minimize Downtime


Unexpected downtime can derail any project and lead to substantial costs. Constantly reaching out to tech support takes up a lot of time while making it challenging for your team to meet deadlines. On the other hand, IT lifecycle management allows your business to use much newer equipment to decrease your chance of experiencing any significant periods of downtime.


4) Meet Compliance Requirements


Many industries must meet strict guidelines involving data security to avoid compliance violations. These fines can be very expensive while also hurting your reputation with customers. Using outdated technology increases the risk of a data breach due to the lesser amount of security. Following an IT lifecycle management plan is key to staying in compliance while maximizing data security with modern technology.


5) Access to Latest Tech


An additional benefit of IT lifecycle management is that it gives your business access to the latest tech. New computers and devices will operate more quickly while making the jobs of your employees much easier. You can often gain a big edge over your competitors by keeping your technology up to date. A managed service provider will discuss which upgrades make the most sense for your business.


Closing Thoughts


The role of technology will continue to increase in the workplace. Keeping your equipment up to date is key to staying proactive. However, many businesses don't have the time to find and purchase new equipment by themselves, as a managed IT service provider can handle these duties. These IT professionals will create an inventory list while developing a detailed plan on the best time to make upgrades to ensure your business operates as efficiently as possible.

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