Monday, December 5, 2022

Why the Cloud is Ideal for Small IT Businesses



 Why the Cloud is Ideal for Small IT Businesses

by Robert Blake


Small IT businesses are especially vulnerable to cybercrime. They often lack the resources to invest in comprehensive security measures, making them easy targets for hackers. The cloud is an ideal solution for small IT businesses. It provides a cost-effective way to scale your business without compromising on security.



Better Security

The cloud is more secure than on-premise solutions because it uses a shared security model. This means that the burden of security is not solely on the shoulders of the small IT business owner. Security is managed by the cloud service provider, which has the expertise and resources to keep data safe.


The cloud is also less vulnerable to physical attacks. Servers are housed in secure data centers that are guarded 24/7. They are also typically located away from the small IT business, making your business less of a target for thieves.


In addition, the cloud offers built-in disaster recovery capabilities. This means that if your on-premise servers are destroyed in a fire or flood, your data will still be safe and accessible.



Lower Costs

Another benefit of the cloud is that it is more cost-effective than on-premise solutions. Small IT businesses often have limited budgets, so the pay-as-you-go model of the cloud is very appealing. You only pay for the resources you use, which can save a lot of money in the long run.


In addition, the cloud eliminates the need to invest in expensive hardware and software. All you need is an internet connection, and you can access your data from anywhere in the world.



Flexibility and Scalability

The cloud is also very flexible and scalable. This means that as your small IT business grows, you can easily scale up your cloud resources to meet the demand. This is much more difficult to do with on-premise solutions.


The cloud also gives you the ability to work from anywhere in the world. As long as you have an internet connection, you can access your data and applications. This is ideal for small IT businesses that have employees who work remotely.



Improved Collaboration

The cloud also improves collaboration between employees. With on-premise solutions, employees are often siloed off from each other. This can make it difficult to share information and work on projects together.


The cloud enables employees to collaborate in real time, regardless of location. This makes it easier to get work done and helps to improve communication within the small IT business.



Better Customer Service

The cloud can also help to improve customer service. With on-premise solutions, it can be difficult to keep track of customer data. This can lead to mistakes being made when dealing with customer queries.


The cloud makes it easy to store and access customer data. This helps to ensure that queries are dealt with quickly and efficiently. It also allows small IT businesses to offer a self-service option to customers, which can further improve customer service levels.




The cloud is the ideal solution for small IT businesses. It is more secure, lower cost, and more flexible than on-premise solutions. It also enables employees to collaborate more effectively. If you are looking for a way to protect your small IT business from cybercrime, the cloud is the answer.

Bit by bit helps client networks run smooth and secure.. visit our website at 877.860.5831

Monday, November 14, 2022

How to Create a Bring Your Own Device Policy (BYOD)

How to Create a Bring Your Own Device Policy (BYOD)

By Robert Blake


Allowing employees to use their own devices in the workplace is a great way to boost productivity. Smartphones, laptops, and numerous tablets are just a few of the different devices used to perform work-related activities. While using these devices is convenient for your team, they can also create significant security risks. Working with an IT service provider to implement a bring-your-own-device policy (BYOD) for your business can help create a much safer environment.


Here is how managed IT services can develop a BYOD plan that best meets the needs of your company.


Educate Your Team

Cybersecurity incidents can happen in a variety of ways. These incidents can result in substantial costs and many hours of downtime for your business. A managed service provider can take a proactive approach to IT security by educating your employees about these threats. Keeping your team well-informed can help them avoid becoming the victim of a cyber attack while they are using their devices in the office.


Develop an IT Security Policy

Establishing IT security policies is a key part of any BYOD plan. These policies cover many topics, such as setting up strong passwords, implementing cybersecurity software, and managing data backups. Creating a remote wipe policy is also important if a device is ever lost or stolen. An IT service provider can work closely with your team in setting additional safeguards while meeting the various compliance requirements for different industries.


Implement Mobile Device Management Software

Mobile device management allows the IT team to configure each device to meet specific requirements. A managed service provider can easily monitor these devices while also keeping them up to date with the latest patches. Using mobile device management makes it possible to automatically create data backups and scan for any potential vulnerabilities to ensure each device remains secure.


Require Two-Factor Authentication

Company accounts without two-factor authentication can easily be hacked by cybercriminals. Requiring all of your employees to use two-factor authentication for each company account provides a much greater level of protection. An IT service provider can make sure that each account is protected with two-factor authentication while also verifying that the phone numbers and email addresses are up to date for each employee.


Create an Easy Sign-Up Process

Making your BYOD program easy for your employees to use is important in keeping everything simple while helping them stay compliant. On the other hand, requiring your employees to follow too many steps to enroll in a BYOD program can lead to numerous mistakes. A managed service provider can help your employees sign-up for this policy to keep track of all the devices used in the workplace.


Closing Thoughts

Using devices in the offices provides employees with much greater flexibility, and it can even save businesses money by not having to invest in expensive hardware. Working with an IT service provider to develop a BYOD policy is a necessity in keeping your devices safe against all types of cyber threats. These IT professionals can create a detailed security policy for your employees while keeping them up to date with the latest attacks. Implementing mobile device management and requiring two-factor authentication for each device will also create a much more secure environment for everyone.

Bit by bit helps client networks run smooth and secure.. visit our website at 877.860.5831

Thursday, November 3, 2022

The Top 11 Benefits of Outsourcing Your IT Business Operations

 by Robert Blake


When it comes to business operations, there are many factors to consider in order to ensure success. One key element is information technology (IT), which can make or break a company. Businesses need to be able to keep up with the latest trends and changes in order to stay ahead of the competition, but this takes time, money, and resources. Outsourcing your IT business operations can be a great way to save on costs while still getting the expertise and services you need.


1. Cost Savings

When you outsource your IT business operations, you can save a significant amount of money on your overall costs. This is because you will no longer need to invest in expensive in-house IT infrastructure and staff. The savings can be used to reinvest in other areas of your business or to improve your bottom line.


2. Improved Efficiency

Outsourcing your IT business operations can lead to improved efficiency and productivity within your company. This is because you will have access to the latest technology and resources, which can help to streamline your processes.


3. Access to Expert Knowledge

When you outsource your IT business operations, you will have access to the expertise of experienced professionals who can offer guidance and support when needed. This can be invaluable in helping you to overcome challenges and achieve success.


4. Improved Customer Service

Outsourcing your IT business operations can lead to improved customer service. This is because you will have access to a team of skilled professionals who can provide support and assistance when needed.


5. Increased Flexibility

Outsourcing your IT business operations can give you the flexibility to scale up or down as required. This means that you can respond quickly to changes in your business needs without incurring additional costs.


6. Reduced Risk

When you outsource your IT business operations, you can reduce the risk of disruption to your business in the event of a problem with your in-house IT infrastructure. This is because the outsourced company will be responsible for maintaining and repairing any issues that arise.


7. Improved Focus

Outsourcing your IT business operations can help you to focus on your core business goals. This is because you will no longer need to invest time and resources in managing your IT infrastructure.


8. Enhanced Security

When you outsource your IT business operations, you can benefit from enhanced security. This is because the outsourced company will have the latest security measures in place to protect your data and systems.


9. Access to Global Talent

When you outsource your IT business operations, you will have access to a global pool of talent. This means that you can find the best possible staff for your company, regardless of location. It also allows you to tap into new markets and expand your business reach.


10. Increased Competitive Advantage

Outsourcing your IT business operations can give you a competitive advantage over your rivals. This is because you will be able to focus on your core business goals while the outsourced company takes care of your IT needs. This can help you to gain an edge in your industry.


11. Peace of Mind

When you outsource your IT business operations, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your IT infrastructure is in the hands of experienced professionals. This means that you can focus on running your business without having to worry about the technical aspects.


Outsourcing your IT business operations can offer many benefits to your company. These are just a few of the top reasons to consider outsourcing your IT needs.



Bit by bit helps client networks run smooth and secure.. visit our website at 877.860.5831

Monday, August 15, 2022

5 Reasons Engineering Firms Need Managed IT Services

5 Reasons Engineering Firms Need Managed IT Services

By Robert Blake


Technology plays a vital role in the success of engineering firms, which is why you need to consider managed IT services. A managed IT service provider can keep everything working while minimizing downtime for your employees. These IT professionals also provide help desk support around the clock. Choosing to work with an IT service provider is also a great way to develop a comprehensive IT roadmap for your company to help you reach your full potential.


Here are a few of the main ways engineering firms can benefit from managed IT services. 


1) Enhance Collaboration

Working together is a necessity in the engineering field. A managed IT service provider can improve collaboration by connecting multiple departments through cloud computing. Using the cloud allows your team to work with each other in real-time, whether it's in the same office or in different locations. All the data is protected with encryption in the cloud to ensure this information never falls into the wrong hands.


2) Boost Productivity

An added benefit of using an IT service provider is that it allows your employees to be much more productive. For example, your team will have access to the latest technology in your industry to make it easier for you to stay efficient. A managed service provider also keeps all your software up to date with the latest patches to ensure everything continues to operate smoothly.


3) Stay in Compliance

Following all the different regulations involving data security is key to avoiding costly fines. An IT service provider will take an active role in making sure your information is always secure. A managed service provider will also perform IT security audits to identify any vulnerabilities within your system, as this proactive approach can save you a lot of trouble.


4) Increase Cybersecurity

One cybersecurity incident can ruin the reputation of your business and lead to substantial costs. Partnering with an IT service company is essential in helping your engineering firm stay one step ahead of cyber threats. Network monitoring, employee education, patch management, and IT audits are just a few of the different ways a managed service provider can improve security for your company.


5) Limit Costs

Finding ways to keep costs to a minimum isn't always easy while managing an engineering firm. However, choosing to work with managed IT services is a great way to reduce the costs of hiring and training in-house IT employees. Paying a fixed fee for managed IT services is a great way to stay within budget, as you don't have to worry about any unexpected expenses. These IT professionals will also keep all of your technology working to avoid downtime.


Final Thoughts

The role of technology will continue to increase in the engineering industry. Using a managed IT service provider offers immense benefits, whether it's improving collaboration, boosting productivity, or limiting cybersecurity incidents. An IT service provider can also decrease costs and help you stay in compliance with all of the different regulations impacting engineers. Ultimately, the engineering industry is highly competitive, as a partnership with an IT service provider is a worthwhile investment that's well worth it.

Bit by bit helps client networks run smooth and secure.. visit our website at 877.860.5831

Monday, July 11, 2022

4 Reasons Managed IT Services Benefits Healthcare Providers

4 Reasons Managed IT Services Benefits Healthcare Providers

Technology continues to play a vital role in the healthcare field, whether it's new medical devices or software that makes it easier for nurses to meet the different needs of each patient. Understanding how to take advantage of the latest tech without sacrificing data security is essential for healthcare organizations. Working with an IT service provider is a great investment for many facilities, as these IT professionals are always available to offer assistance to ensure everything is working at an optimal level.


Here are more reasons why healthcare organizations need to consider using managed IT services.


1) Enhance Data Accessibility

One of the advantages of partnering with managed IT services is that it allows healthcare facilities to access patient data from any device. Doctors and nurses can quickly access this information on the cloud while also making updates in real-time. Using the cloud makes it easy to find the information you need without spending hours trying to search through piles of paperwork. All of this data is also well-protected in the cloud due to encryption.


2) Meet Compliance Standards

Another reason to consider partnering with managed IT support is that it helps your medical facility stay in compliance with HIPAA and other laws. Meeting these detailed guidelines is essential to protecting patient data while also helping you to avoid expensive fines. An IT service provider will perform numerous actions to improve data security, whether it's risk assessments, patch management, employee training, disaster recovery planning, and much more.


3) Improve Efficiency

Constantly dealing with technical issues is frustrating, and it wastes a lot of time. These tech problems can even lead to deadly consequences at a medical facility. Using an IT service provider is important in keeping downtime to a minimum, and they are always available if you need any tech support. An IT service provider will also take a proactive approach to managing technology to ensure your team can work efficiently without any problems.


4) Easily Scale Up or Down

Healthcare organizations are ever-changing, whether it's adding new patients or investing in additional hardware. A managed service provider will always make sure your facility has plenty of IT resources to ensure everything continues to work at an optimal level. For example, these IT professionals can easily give you more storage space on the cloud or scale back your services during less busy times to save you money. An IT service provider gives you the flexibility to best meet the needs of your patients and workers.


Final Thoughts

A partnership with an IT provider is an excellent investment for many healthcare facilities. Working with managed IT services makes it easier to access data, improves cybersecurity, and it offers more scalability options. Healthcare professionals will also be able to work more efficiently with the help of IT services. Ultimately, technology will continue to evolve in the healthcare industry, as a managed service provider will work with your facility to help you fully reach your potential.

Robert Blake

Bit by bit helps client networks run smooth and secure.. visit our website at 877.860.5831

Monday, June 13, 2022

What is SOC-as-a-Service?

What is SOC-as-a-Service?

By Robert Blake


Having a Security Operations Center (SOC) in-house is expensive for the average business. Large organizations have a SOC in-house to watch user activity and application uptime 24/7/365. In a SOC, analysts sit in a room and monitor all network traffic to determine if any resources are under attack from either external or internal threats. Considering that real estate, infrastructure, and full-time staff add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars for large organizations, it's out of reach for many small or medium-sized businesses.


To overcome the expenses, businesses have the option of leasing or outsourcing their SOC requirements to a Managed Service Provider (MSP). The MSP will then host SOC-as-a-Service for the organization. The SOC-as-a-Service is a cloud-based system that monitors all organization network traffic without the huge added expense of hosting it on-premises.


How is a SOC Different from SOC-as-a-Service?


In a large organization, administrators might support thousands of servers in the cloud and on-premises. Along with these servers, administrators also support thousands of users, network infrastructure, various cloud services, and mobile devices. It's impossible to manually monitor all these network resources, so a SOC is a centralized department that monitors every resource using cybersecurity analytic applications and log aggregation.


Every network resource collects logs and aggregates them to one location. Cybersecurity applications such as a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) import logs and provide analysts in the SOC with visualized graphs, charts, and alerts. Security analysts located in the SOC get real-time information about the network environment so they can make trained and educated decisions. Some SIEM applications use artificial intelligence to make automated decisions in intrusion detection and prevention.


Because of the information provided in a SOC, it's a highly secure room within the organization where only authorized security analysts can enter. It contains advanced technology to run an effective SOC, so it's also expensive to build out a SOC. The security analysts must be paid a salary, and they generally demand higher salaries than standard administration. All these factors make a SOC too expensive for the average-sized organization.


SOC-as-a-Service has the same features and functions the same way as a standard SOC, but it runs in the cloud and can be managed by an MSP or other outsourced individuals. Usually, a SOC-as-a-Service is a feature offered by MSPs that will be installed as a cloud-based function with the rest of the MSP's infrastructure installed within the organization.


Benefits of SOC-as-a-Service for the Enterprise


Handing off an on-premises SOC to a cloud-based service has several advantages for large and small enterprises. For large enterprise organizations, it eliminates much of the huge cost associated with staff, real estate, and physical equipment. For smaller organizations, a fully staffed SOC is out of reach due to budget constraints, so a cloud-based SOC provides small businesses with advanced cybersecurity monitoring and analysis.


A few other benefits include:

   Standardized protocols and infrastructure: This benefit is especially great for MSPs responsible for handling numerous organizations and their cybersecurity. By standardizing protocols, the MSP can better deploy infrastructure and keep it consistent across all environments, making cybersecurity easier to manage and respond to threats. Organizations also benefit by getting more efficient infrastructure and cybersecurity support.

   Enterprise monitoring at a fraction of the enterprise cost: An on-premises SOC can cost millions in infrastructure and staffing, but using SOC-as-a-Service lowers the cost. Organizations pay only for resources used during service, so it's a more affordable way to deploy infrastructure and monitor data for common threats.

   Logging for all network resources: Organizations struggle to find resources and storage for logging across all their infrastructure, but cloud-based environments have virtually unlimited storage. An MSP or local administrators can build more efficient and verbose logging solutions across the entire enterprise environment without worrying about limitations in storage resources.

   Better compliance: Staying compliant is always a concern for organizations that must follow regulatory standards, but cloud-based logging and monitoring offered in SOC-as-a-Service solutions eliminates much of the overhead associated with compliant solutions.

   Advanced cybersecurity technology: Advanced cybersecurity infrastructure is expensive, but cloud-based solutions are much cheaper than building infrastructure in-house. 



Challenges of SOC-as-a-Service

As with anything in technology, the benefits of SOC-as-a-Service also have some challenges to overcome. Most of these challenges are minor compared to the benefits that an organization gets, but you will face several issues that you should be aware of.


A few challenges include:

   Converting to the new environment: Organizations will find that there is initial overhead, and it might take several months to transition smoothly from an on-premises environment to a cloud-based one. Although the initial overhead might be frustrating and costly, it's worth the investment for the long-term benefits.

   A change in onboarding: A SOC-as-a-Service mainly affects system administrators and analysts but can also affect other new employees. By adding layers of security to your cloud and on-premises environment, users and other staff members might have to change how they access data. Users experiencing new changes must be trained to use new security tools.

   Increase in log storage: Any SOC service needs logs to analyze traffic and detect potential threats. If you don't have a SOC now, you must expand storage reservoirs for log aggregation. SOC tools ingest log data and use it to provide analysts with actionable insights and suggestions to people reviewing network information.




As malware and other security threats evolve, corporations need better ways to detect and defend against them. An on-premises SOC is expensive, but MSPs and corporations can work with a SOC-as-a-Service option to host SOC in the cloud without the large costs associated with building one. Services are more easily accessible, and administrators can quickly deploy SOC services without installing any equipment.


A SOC-as-a-Service is also a favorite for MSPs. They can use the cloud-based SOC to offer effective cybersecurity solutions for all MSP customers. Because a SOC uses more advanced cybersecurity controls, all customers who work with SOC-as-a-Service can detect and stop even the most sophisticated threat.


If you have more questions, please contact us at 877.860.5831 or visit our website at

Bit by bit helps client networks run smoothly and securely.. visit our website at 877.860.5831

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

How Cybercriminals Use Manipulation

How Cybercriminals Use Manipulation

By Robert Blake


Cybercrime occurs when computers are used to gain unauthorized access. Typically, it's done for financial gain although motives vary. Cybercriminals use their technical skills but also employ manipulation techniques to make the job easier.


Information needed in cybercrime can be obtained by walking into a business, glancing around, and speaking to employees via casual conversation -- effectively, the perpetrator hides in plain sight. This is a type of infiltration. Names, job titles, phone numbers, and anything else that can be used to imitate an employee are used as the next step in a cyberattack.


Information can be gathered in other ways, however. Phishing is a technique used for gathering private information and occurs when an attacker pretends to be a legitimate entity. Tricked into believing the attacker is trustworthy, people are coerced into disclosing private information. Phishing can be initiated via emails, telephone calls, private messages, or text messages.


End Results


The following are examples of attacks after sufficient, private information is obtained -- demonstrating further the depth of manipulation used. Infiltration could be enough to obtain illegal access without phishing, and vice versa. Other times, combos are used. They are not cut and dried, although they can be executed as such.


Method 1

Armed with various information, a cybercriminal calls into a business, imitates an employee, and asks the help-desk clerk to change a login password. The criminal obtains the password and gains access to the desired system.


The help-desk clerk might even get tricked into changing and giving away an administrator password while the perpetrator imitates an administrator. With administrative access, privilege escalation on a number of user accounts can be attained. Why get access to a single computer when an opportunity exists to change access controls across the board -- obtaining access to all users' data?


Method 2

It could also go the other way -- a perpetrator could call in imitating help-desk support. An employee can be tricked into downloading and installing a malicious software program, for example. After persuading the employee to install it  --  creating the illusion of a fixed problem -- unauthorized access is obtained.


It's worth noting that malicious software doesn't have to be designed by the attacker using it. Computer programmers design malicious software and sell it via the black market. It could be designed to exploit a known vulnerability or be customized to a buyer's needs. The bar for carrying out cybercrime has been lowered.

Method 3

Sometimes phishing attacks are aimed at specific people. A spear-phishing attack is exactly that and can be done using information obtained via infiltration or prior info-gathering campaigns. Depending on the goal of the cybercriminal, targeting specific people can be advantageous.


As an example, obtaining login credentials for an employee higher up the chain could yield a broader database for gleaning. With access to such data, a cybercriminal might have reached their goal or could use it to proceed with lateral movement -- accessing other resources on the network. 


Tips for Moving Forward


Education is most helpful for reducing the risk of phishing attacks -- and should not limited to the tips listed below. The best antivirus software or password policies are not going to protect a company from employees being tricked into giving away sensitive information.


The following are common routines for reducing phishing attack risk: 


1) Use care when handling the contents of an email spam directory. Email providers always include a spaminbox for detected phishing attempts. 

2) Don't use links in unexpected emails for resetting passwords or verifying private information.

3) Don't open attachments in unexpected e-mails. 

4) Don't click links received in unexpected texts or private messages

5) Don't give away private information when receiving unexpected phone calls.

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Monday, May 2, 2022

5 Benefits of Using IT Lifecycle Management Services

5 Benefits of Using IT Lifecycle Management Services

by Robert Blake


Technology plays a key role in any workplace, but it can eventually get outdated and work less efficiently. Investing in new tech for your business is a wise choice that offers a wide range of benefits. However, finding the best equipment for your business is often a time-consuming and difficult task. Using IT lifecycle management from a managed service provider is a great way to remain proactive while helping you avoid many long-term issues.


Here are a few of the benefits of using IT asset lifecycle management for your organization.


1) Enhance IT Security


Cyber threats are a major issue facing all types of businesses. Older hardware and software are highly vulnerable to these threats, especially if they are no longer receiving updates from their manufacturer. Upgrading your IT infrastructure at least every three to five years is recommended to limit the chance of your company becoming the next victim of these cyber attacks.


2) Boost Employee Productivity


Another reason to consider IT asset lifecycle management is that it helps to improve productivity for your employees. Older computers run less efficiently, and they are more prone to crashes. Constantly waiting on a computer to load an application is always frustrating, and it limits the productivity of your employees. Staying proactive by investing in new hardware every few years is a great way to avoid this problem.


3) Minimize Downtime


Unexpected downtime can derail any project and lead to substantial costs. Constantly reaching out to tech support takes up a lot of time while making it challenging for your team to meet deadlines. On the other hand, IT lifecycle management allows your business to use much newer equipment to decrease your chance of experiencing any significant periods of downtime.


4) Meet Compliance Requirements


Many industries must meet strict guidelines involving data security to avoid compliance violations. These fines can be very expensive while also hurting your reputation with customers. Using outdated technology increases the risk of a data breach due to the lesser amount of security. Following an IT lifecycle management plan is key to staying in compliance while maximizing data security with modern technology.


5) Access to Latest Tech


An additional benefit of IT lifecycle management is that it gives your business access to the latest tech. New computers and devices will operate more quickly while making the jobs of your employees much easier. You can often gain a big edge over your competitors by keeping your technology up to date. A managed service provider will discuss which upgrades make the most sense for your business.


Closing Thoughts


The role of technology will continue to increase in the workplace. Keeping your equipment up to date is key to staying proactive. However, many businesses don't have the time to find and purchase new equipment by themselves, as a managed IT service provider can handle these duties. These IT professionals will create an inventory list while developing a detailed plan on the best time to make upgrades to ensure your business operates as efficiently as possible.

Bit by bit helps client networks run smooth and secure.. visit our website at 877.860.5831

Monday, April 4, 2022

How Managed IT Services Can Benefit Accounting Firms

How Managed IT Services Can Benefit Accounting Firms

by Robert Blake


Keeping data safe and confidential isn't always easy for accounting firms. One way to overcome this common challenge is to partner with managed IT services. These IT professionals will monitor your network around the clock, and they are always available if you need any assistance. Outsourcing your technical needs with an IT service provider is also a much more cost-effective investment than hiring and training in-house tech employees for your business.


Here are a few additional reasons why managed IT services are a great option for accounting firms.


Access to the Best Tech

Trying to keep up with the latest tech in the accounting industry is often difficult. Constantly purchasing and trying to learn new software is expensive, and it often results in a major learning curve. An IT service provider can play a critical role in finding the right technology to best meet the needs of your accounting firm. A managed service provider can also train your employees on how to best use these applications, which significantly reduces the learning process.


Professional Expertise

Tech issues can arise at the most inopportune times. Trying to resolve these issues on your own can often be stressful, and it can lead to hours of downtime. Working with an IT service provider is an excellent way to gain access to professional IT technicians that can quickly resolve any issues. You can also reach out to these IT experts at any time, whether it's late in the evening or it's during the middle of the day.


Improve IT Security

Cyber threats are always evolving, as staying a step ahead of these attacks isn't easy. A managed IT service provider can train each one of your employees on how to avoid making mistakes that can lead to a cybersecurity incident. Keeping your software up to date with the latest patches, creating data backups, and network monitoring services are also just a few of the many ways an IT service provider can improve cybersecurity for your accounting firm.


Predictable Costs

Another reason to consider working with a managed service provider is that you don't have to worry about any unpredictable costs. Instead, you will usually pay a flat fee each month. On the other hand, the costs of an in-house IT team can often be unpredictable, whether it's the cost of training new employees or paying hours of overtime. The predictable costs of an IT service provider make it easier for accounting firms to plan their budget for the entire year without any unpleasant surprises.


Final Thoughts

Technology will continue to play a big role for accounting firms. Partnering with managed IT services helps your company fully take advantage of the latest tech while also giving you access to professional experts if you ever have any questions or need help. The fixed costs of a managed IT service provider also make it much easier to plan your budget. Ultimately, an IT service provider can play an active role in helping your accounting firm reach its full potential in today's digital work environment.

Bit by bit helps client networks run smooth and secure.. visit our website at 877.860.5831

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Do You Fax On Premise or in the Cloud?

Webinar Showcase 2022



Do You Fax On Premise or in the Cloud?

Alternative Next Gen Cloud Platforms Take Flight


Wednesday, April 6, 2022

1:00 – 1:15 p.m. EST


After years of managing their own servers, clients are now embracing cloud options for faxing. Whether part of their overall technology strategy or for cost and productivity gains, they are moving their RightFax infrastructure to public and private clouds in record numbers.


Are you ready to make the move?


Please join us for an informative mini-webinar where we take you through fax deployment options. We’ll cover conventional on premise fax infrastructure andcloud solutions while explaining the exodus away from traditional fax platforms and help you figure out if the move is best for your business.


Whether you are looking to make a move in 2022 or want to learn a little more about your options, we think you will find this time well-spent.


You will learn:

  • How to determine which option is best for you
  • How to maximize whichever option you choose
  • Primary differences between various fax platforms
  • Cost benefits of on premise alternatives
  • Hidden cost of aging fax servers
  • The various options for enterprise faxing

We hope you can join us!




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