Tuesday, February 6, 2018

[Heads-up] New Ransomware Strain Encrypts Cloud Email Real-time VIDEO

OK, here is something new and really scary.
KnowBe4's Chief Hacking Officer Kevin Mitnick called me with some chilling news. A white hat hacker friend of his developed a working "ransomcloud" strain, which encrypts cloud email accounts like Office 365 in real-time. My first thought was: "Holy $#!+".
I asked him: "Can you show it to me?", and Kevin sent this to me a few hours ago. Lucky for us, this ransomware strain is not in the wild just yet, but it's on the horizon, so this is your heads-up! If a white hat can do this, so can a black hat. 
This new strain uses a smart social engineering tactic to trick the user to give the bad guys access to their cloud email account, with the ruse of a "new Microsoft anti-spam service".
Once your employee clicks "accept" to use this service, it's game over: all email and attachments are encrypted real-time! See it for realz here in 5 minutes and shiver:
(NOTE: KnowBe4 uses the Intercom platform to communicate to people who created an account on our website. They redirect links, and if you do not like that—which you shouldn't—just copy and paste the link in your browser.) 
And while you have this open...
     * Survey: Would You Like A KnowBe4 User Conference?
We are looking at a User Conference during 2018, and we'd like your input
about several things like where it should be, how long, if it should be
attached to a show like Black Hat or not, and what tracks you would like
to see there. This is a lightning-fast survey that might take you 2 minutes
at best. Hope to see you there! Here is the link at surveymonkey:
Warm regards
Stu Sjouwerman
Founder and CEO
KnowBe4, Inc.

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