Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Bit by Bit - What is your biggest security blindspot?

Suffering a data breach has a $7M+ price tag. Does your organization have visibility into the security posture of its business ecosystem? 

Your Biggest Security Blind Spot: 

Why Third Party Breaches Are On The Rise

SecurityScorecard Logo
Hi Tracey,
It only takes one third party breach for a hacker to reach your network -- and most companies have tens of thousands of vendor relationships. 
The PWC 2015 US State of Cybercrime Survey found 23% of organizations do not evaluate third parties at all, 19% of CIOs are not concerned about supply-chain risks, and only 16% of respondents evaluate third parties' security more than once a year.
Download SecurityScorecard's latest white paperWhy Third Party Security Breaches Are On The Rise to learn:
·         Why 70% of attacks occur as a result of third party security breaches
·         The weakest link 'attack methodology'
·         Why outsourced business resources means outsourced risk
Cybersecurity and the increasing risk present in third parties are the subject of 4 out of the 6 financial services cyber trends in Booz Allen Hamilton's 2016 annual report
Download the white paper now, and find out why third parties are the number one risk.
For more information on how your organization can gain operational command of 3rd party risk, and visibility into the security posture of your entire business ecosystem -- contact Bit by Bit today:
 (212) 691-8081
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Robert Blake
Bit by Bit Computer Consultants
721 N Fielder Rd. #B
Arlington, Texas 76012
Direct 817.505.1257

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